1. Introduction

The objective of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to setup Robot Framework for testing an API and a screen, specifically using:

  • RESTinstance

  • Playwright

It is not a tutorial for Robot Framework or for these libraries, there are already many such tutorials available. Instead this tutorial aims to get you a running test from which you can experiment and expand your knowledge.

2. Installation

2.1. Install Node.js

Node.js is required to run Playwright. Install Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/

2.2. Install Python

We’ll use the venv tool to create a Python Virtual Environment on Windows. That will isolate this project from other Python projects you may have, that require different (versions of) packages. Note that we will not use the Anaconda Python distribution, as it is missing several libraries.

2.2.1. Which Python version?

The RIDE editor recommends a particular version of Python. At the time of writing (2021-11-14) this is version 3.8.

We’ll be wanting to install a binary of library wxPython as a dependency of the RIDE integrated development editor. Check the latest version available on https://pypi.org/project/wxPython/#files. that matches the version for RIDE. E.g. Python version cp38 means Python 3.8.

2.2.2. Download and install

Head over to python.org:

  1. Click on Downloads > Windows.

  2. Choose the Python 3 release as chosen above.

  3. Choose the Windows Installer (64-bit).

  4. Run the downloaded installer

  5. Select option "Add Python to Path"

  6. Click on Install Now

  7. If your Windows installation is limited to 260 characters in the path, you’ll see an option to "Disable path length limit". Choose this option.

  8. To verify the installation, open a command window and run:

    python --version

2.3. Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is stored in a directory, with the name of the virtual environment. We’ll use c:\Users\USERNAME\python_venv to store the environments. Our environment for Robot is named robot_env.

C:\> cd Users\USERNAME

C:\Users\USERNAME> md python_venv

C:\Users\USERNAME> cd python_venv

C:\Users\USERNAME\python_venv> python -m venv robot_env

You will now have directory named robot_env.

2.4. Activate Environment

You will need to activate the environment each time you start work. A batch file is recommended for this. We’ll get to this later. For now:

C:\Users\USERNAME\python_venv> robot_env\Scripts\activate

Once the environment is activated, the command prompt will show as:

(robot_env) C:\Users\USERNAME\python_venv>

Some of the subsequent libraries install more easily with wheel, so enter this command:

pip install wheel

2.5. Install Robot Framework

At a command prompt as above, run:

pip install robotframework

To check that the installation was successful, run

robot --version

Now we’ll also install the libraries required for our tutorial:

pip install restinstance
pip install robotframework-browser

To install the node dependencies, run:

rfbrowser init

2.6. Install RIDE

RIDE is the IDE for Robot Framework. At the time of writing, we are using Python 3.8 and will be installing the 2.x pre-release.

We’re still at a command prompt looking like this:

(robot_env) C:\Users\USERNAME\python_venv>

Run these commands:

pip install wxPython
pip install psutil
pip install --pre robotframework-ride

3. Create folder structure

Create a project folder, let’s call it acmeTests. Within this folder, create the following 3 folders:


In the project folder, create a script:

@echo off

4. API Testing using RESTinstance

You will find many references on the web for API testing that use the requests library. A more modern approach is however to use RestInstance. This page also has a great tutorial to follow.

We’ll be using https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ as the site against we will run our tests.

Copy the test script from https://pypi.org/project/RESTinstance/ into tests/api-test.robot.

*** Settings ***
Library         REST    https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
Documentation   Test data can be read from variables and files.
...             Both JSON and Python type systems are supported for inputs.
...             Every request creates a so-called instance. Can be `Output`.
...             Most keywords are effective only for the last instance.
...             Initial schemas are autogenerated for request and response.
...             You can make them more detailed by using assertion keywords.
...             The assertion keywords correspond to the JSON types.
...             They take in either path to the property or a JSONPath query.
...             Using (enum) values in tests optional. Only type is required.
...             All the JSON Schema validation keywords are also supported.
...             Thus, there is no need to write any own validation logic.
...             Not a long path from schemas to full Swagger/OpenAPI specs.
...             The persistence of the created instances is the test suite.
...             Use keyword `Rest instances` to output the created instances.

*** Variables ***
${json}         { "id": 11, "name": "Gil Alexander" }
&{dict}         name=Julie Langford

*** Test Cases ***
GET an existing user, notice how the schema gets more accurate
    GET         /users/1                  # this creates a new instance
    Output schema   response body
    Object      response body             # values are fully optional
    Integer     response body id          1
    String      response body name        Leanne Graham
    [Teardown]  Output schema             # note the updated response schema

GET existing users, use JSONPath for very short but powerful queries
    GET         /users?_limit=5           # further assertions are to this
    Array       response body
    Integer     $[0].id                   1           # first id is 1
    String      $[0]..lat                 -37.3159    # any matching child
    Integer     $..id                     maximum=5   # multiple matches
    [Teardown]  Output  $[*].email        # outputs all emails as an array

POST with valid params to create a new user, can be output to a file
    POST        /users                    ${json}
    Integer     response status           201
    [Teardown]  Output  response body     ${OUTPUTDIR}/new_user.demo.json

PUT with valid params to update the existing user, values matter here
    PUT         /users/2                  { "isCoding": true }
    Boolean     response body isCoding    true
    PUT         /users/2                  { "sleep": null }
    Null        response body sleep
    PUT         /users/2                  { "pockets": "", "money": 0.02 }
    String      response body pockets     ${EMPTY}
    Number      response body money       0.02
    Missing     response body moving      # fails if property moving exists

PATCH with valid params, reusing response properties as a new payload
    &{res}=     GET   /users/3
    String      $.name                    Clementine Bauch
    PATCH       /users/4                  { "name": "${res.body['name']}" }
    String      $.name                    Clementine Bauch
    PATCH       /users/5                  ${dict}
    String      $.name                    ${dict.name}

DELETE the existing successfully, save the history of all requests
    DELETE      /users/6                  # status can be any of the below
    Integer     response status           200    202     204
    Rest instances  ${OUTPUTDIR}/all.demo.json  # all the instances so far

Run on the command line:

C:\acmeTests> activate
(robot_env) C:\acmeTests> robot --outputdir results tests/api-test.robot

The test results can be found in the results folder.

5. Using RIDE

Start the RIDE editor as follows:

(robot_env) C:\acmeTests> ride.py

6. UI testing using Browser Library

The Browser Library is powered by Playwright and more modern than Selenium.

We’ll start with a really simple test. Create this file:

*** Settings ***
Library   Browser

*** Test Cases ***
Example Test
    New Page    https://playwright.dev
    Get Text    h1    contains    Playwright

Run on the command line:

C:\acmeTests> activate
(robot_env) C:\acmeTests> robot --outputdir results tests/ui-test.robot

7. Conclusion

You now have your environment up and running. View the extensive reference materials and the many tutorials to master Robot Framework.